This area is for you to work independently of Signature Consultancy and make your designs. A lesson from the series of signature design tutorials on Youtube. In the next two lessons, we will test 10 signatures on 5 design principles. I will relate the work we do in this course with "basic design principles". I divided the lesson into two parts and the first part is in this video. I've noted down the names and letters we've worked with, according to their minutes. You can go to that minute by clicking directly. But my suggestion is to watch and apply the whole thing, even at 1.5x or 2x speed; because maybe the point you skipped might actually be very suitable for you.
What pen do I use when signing? 00:37
The name "Daudfrotan" in light of 5 design principles 1:04
Design Principles 4:16
What is X height? 05:26
The name "Daudfrotan" 5:50
Signatures for the letter D 5:50
How to exercise while signature works? 07:15
The name "Yuvakrishna" 9:04
Signatures for the letter Y 9:04
End of signature 9:46
The name "Javed M Sayyad" 10:45
Signatures for the letter J 10:45
How do I design my signature? Those who say my name is too long 11:00
Umbrella Method in Signature Design 12:36
How do I design my signature 12:36
The name "Abdullah Kılıç" 13:45
Signatures for the letter A 13:45
Highlight End of Signature 14:36
Different Letter Designs 13:45
Letter Ratio in Signature 15:50
The name "Mahesh Kalokhe" 16:19
Signature examples for the letter M: 16:19
Signature examples for the letter K: 16:50
Umbrella Method Example 17:32
Thanks to JukeDeck for this music.
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